Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab


small bullet What is the general eligibility criteria for admissions?
What is the general eligibility criteria for admissions?
BS 1st semester:
FA / F.Sc. or equivalent.
The admission to BS (1st Semester) or equivalent programs will be made provisionally on the basis of the result of the Intermediate (Part-I) Examination-2024 or Equivalent for candidates who have appeared in the final examination of Intermediate Part –II (2025) or Equivalent and are waiting for their results.
BS 5th Semester:
BA / B.Sc./Associate Degree (Science/Arts/Commerce) or equivalent.
The admission to BS (5th Semester) or equivalent programs will be made provisionally on the basis of the result of Associate Degree (Science/Arts/Commerce) or equivalent Part-I Annual 2024/Semester (I & II) or Part-I Supply 2024 Examination for candidates whose results Annual Part-II/Semester (IV) Examination, latest by the Annual, 2025 (maximum) is awaited. Only those candidates who have passed in first year/two semesters exam are eligible
For further details on eligibility criteria, please click on this link. Click here for further details.

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