Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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Education on protection of children's rights is the need of the hour in Pakistan, Dr Shahid Munir
Education on protection of children's rights is the need of the hour in Pakistan, Dr Shahid Munir

LAHORE: (Friday, November 11, 2022): Punjab University Institute of Education and Research Center for Child Rights and Safety Education has organized 1st summit on 'Child Protection Education' for the guidance of parents and teachers on the problems faced by children and their solutions. On this occasion, Chairman Punjab Higher Education Commission Professor Dr Shahid Munir, Director IER Dr Rafaqat Ali Akbar, Chairman Center for Child Rights and Safety Education Dr Tariq Mehmood Chaudhry, former Minister of Education Mian Imran Masood, parents, teachers, school principals, researchers and students participated.

In his address, Dr Shahid Munir congratulated the organizers for organizing the event and described the summit as important and the need of the hour. He said that international organizations attach great importance to these initiatives. He said that there is an urgent need for education on the protection of children's rights in Pakistan. The speakers reiterated that all will take steps to make education on the protection of children's rights effective. Later, certificates and shields were presented to the participants.